Monday, May 24, 2010

Reunion on 5/23/2010

Susan Huang (黃淑慎) called for a Reunion on 5/23/2010....
Here is her note:
A small scale reunion was held at Susan's son's house at Rancho Cucamonga, California on May 23 (Sunday). You'll see the dishes from 3 families and you'll be jealous if you know how delicious those dishes were and how happy we were.

Please enjoy the slideshow on the following link

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Have you missed these gatherings?

Olivia Yen (Lee Li-Chu) sent in these photos.

Three were taken on November, 2009 in Taipei.
(*Wondering why this gathering without any boys there except the sprouse?)

One was recently 1/31/2010 in NJ.

Sure you will be surprised to see a few "new faces" of our old classmates in
these pictures.

Could you identify each individual?
Please do send in your photos and articles to be shared with all of us!

Happy Lunar New Year to all!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Fresh up some memories!

Tseng Hai-Lun (曾海倫) now resides in Southern California.
She got these photos that were taken back on our Graduation Trip (Dec 1974)... sharing with all!
Maybe you can try to remember or tag the exact person... Enjoy the the following slides.

If you also got some photos to be shared, just scan in and we will try to post them on our classmates' blog.

Thank you,
Thomas 1/2/2009