Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Were you in this photo? (20th Anniversary)
Dear all
剛剛整理電腦裡的照片時發現一張你們畢業20週年在 "台大校園傅鐘"的合照~用掃描的(當年數位相機尚未出現), 另一張團體照在台大正門口(包跨眷屬的) 請待我找時間整理照片時再掃描給各位, 我記得當年我有加洗寄給當天有參加的同學, 如果沒收到或是找不到照片的這一張就請先回味一下囉!
Best Regards,
張進雄 /Amy
Monday, December 17, 2012
20121209 Taipei Reunion
歲末年終, 老同學在台大第二活動中心樓下"書芳園"聚會, 遠道而來的有沈夏萍, 李麗珠, 還有剛回台北定居的曾海倫三位同學, Helen的先先生Larry大方亮相, 女兒最後也出現了, 幸福的一家. 陳景星老大見了張振亞第一件事就是奉還當年借的"日文筆記", 很有意義吧! 我們分享了清淡台味美食, 每一位同學就畢業至今37年多的成長歷程作了簡單清楚的交待, 很特別的一次聚會. 不少同學彼此三十多年沒見過面, 太難得了, 大部分同學都已退休, 只有胡斐玲, 許美珠, 廖慧珠, 張文瀛等還在線上. 會後振亞的先生也出現了, 沒想到是我的大溪小老鄉, 也是同宗, 一聊起來住在街上哪一戶人家 都了解, 很巧吧!. 陳老大最近身體硬朗不少, 心情也好多了. 沈夏萍剛退休不久, 立即回台好好陪媽媽治療白內障. 李麗珠十月初就回台, 平常需要陪爸爸, 只有星期天有空. Helen 和先生以前在台北因工作認識, 多年後有緣在美重逢, 成就一樁好姻緣, 這次回台定居, Larry 完全尊重Helen的意思, 因為"只要她快樂, 他就會喜歡", even 花連他都可以接受.
文瀛幾年前曾得過嚴重... (reported by Susan Huang in Taipei)
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
NTUECO Renion @ San Jose (12/8/2012)
While some of our classmates have their gathering on 12/9/2012 in Taipei NTU's campus...we have a few of us also meet in San Jose on 12/8/2012 (Saturday)... from left to right:
David and Daisy Yau, Josephine and Thomas Shu, Youyi Wang, Marie Wang, Rachel and Frank Tseng.
Believe me or not...Youyi can really tell good stories...and she surely be able to entertain everyone well. Frank and Rachel are enjoying so much as being grandparents. Marie Wang is among our long lost list...we are glad that she can walk out of the down time and happily reunion with our classmates. I believe Marie will get in touch with Maggie Ma when she is back to Taiwan. Daisy is about to fully retire from her current work, she must have a lot of adjustments for making her new lifestyle...
Well, I hope we will have another reunion soon, no matter where it is.
Josephine and I are here to have a very busy weekend in San Jose area for our FAPA and WTC conferences and also to meet up with many Hakka friends in the Bay area. Then we will spend two days for wineries visiting. We are looking for good business models that we can help Taiwan Oolong tea farms and tea tasting posts to be better established in major tea districts. We like to duplicate the Wine Tour and have a more in-depth Tea Tasting Tour in Taiwan soon.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Sliced Almond Cookies Recipe
Sliced Almond Cookies
Ingredients (make 60 cookies)
3 egg whites ( beat with a fork)
2/3 cups sugar
3 cups toasted sliced almond (toasted in oven 250F for 15 min. No need to preheat oven. Stir occasionally )
Preheat oven to 300F . Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
With a fork stir in the sugar with egg whites. Stir in the almond until well coated.
Take a spoon at a time. Flatten a bit. Every once a while, stir the mixture .
Bake for 25-30 minutes or until lightly browned. Let it cool then remove from parchment paper.
If some cookies are still sticky , bake them upside down for another 3-4 minutes or until crispy.
帶殼花生 洗淨 浸泡塩水中8小時以上
倒掉鹽水 再多換幾次水洗凈
快鍋內放入水和花生 再加入八角丶月桂葉丶酸梅、鹽丶糖丶醬油
煮沸後快鍋冒汽 轉中火煮50~60 分鐘 或合您喜歡的花生軟度
可一次多煮些 部分冷涷 隨時享用
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Summer 2012 Gatherings
6/30/2012 @ Bay Area -
王玫麗 鄭惠寬 范尚文 曾志遠
7/15/2012 @ Los Angeles -
黃淑慎 谷萬平 田澤芳 劉秀漣 梅嘉玲 (家孝)
林坤儀 許正龍
And, in the meantime... in Taipei...
They have their Afternoon Tea Party:
陳鴻明 張進雄 陳建成 葉連三
王玫麗 鄭惠寬 范尚文 曾志遠
7/15/2012 @ Los Angeles -
黃淑慎 谷萬平 田澤芳 劉秀漣 梅嘉玲 (家孝)
林坤儀 許正龍
And, in the meantime... in Taipei...
They have their Afternoon Tea Party:
陳鴻明 張進雄 陳建成 葉連三
Friday, June 8, 2012
Class 1975 Reunion!
林麗洲 許美珠 李麗珠 李妙玲 胡斐玲 杜錦霞 谷萬平 徐曼玲
黃淑慎 馬勤 陳玲瓏 張進雄夫人
Jeff(李麗珠兒子) William(張進雄兒子) Alex(吳廷訓兒子)
Monday, March 5, 2012
Jenny and Ashley's Wedding Celebration in Hawaii on 3/1/2012
We have the great honor to be invited by David and Dana Chen to their beloved daughter Jenny and Ashley's wedding celebration in Hawaii on 3/1/2012.
Share with all the following slideshow that we took from our camera (definitely not their official photographer's works...)
Before you review those photos... a few things to be mentioned:
1.) Sophia Huang and I are the two classmates there... We have a run-away guest, who's seat is empty and we took the shots to prove it. Josephine and I are so glad that we can make it, so I believe Sophia.
2.) David is extremely emotional... He entertained all with his speech...which was picked by all of us afterward. We have great fun on the following night at the famous Sarento's restaurant.
3.) There is a tea ceremony in their room, very traditional and touching...As the god father to the bride...so we got the honor to be served, as well. (however, no one prepares the red envelopes for the sweet tea...) Look at the following video I took for David and Dana. Seems that Dave forgot to deliver the old Taiwanese sayings for the special occasion...Jia-Tiin-Tiin ..Sein-Hao-Sien.
Let us see what the happy parents have said to the new couple:
"幸福 和 快樂" --- this could be every parents' least wish to their kids !
Congratulations to David and Dana and all the best to Jen and Ash!
(Thomas reported from Honolulu, Hawaii)
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